Friday, July 9, 2010

Hi what's this blog about?

Good question.

Well, I'm asking myself that right now.

I wanted the web to have some place

where people (from within and out of the "Church")
who have taken many good looks at the Church as it is today,
see its flaws and saving graces
make a case for change it needs to "save itself from itself".

After well, close to 6 years since my 'salvation', my pair feels grown up enough to speak up and seek others who will too.

What exactly is not right with the Church the way it is will be discussed in the weeks to come. In addition, I will do my best to present a way of re-view the way the Bible should be read, or rather, the way it's intended to.

To paraphrase a very cheese line "If you are reading this, you are the revolution". I mean it.

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