Friday, July 16, 2010

I hate Christian bumper stickers -part 2: Flawed Premises

There's only one, really. One flawed premise that almost a billion people bought into or are backsliding from.

Heaven is where saved people go to. Jesus died so that I can go there. And not go to Hell, where the people God hates stay forever because they they didn't accept Jesus as their saviour. So, if I can just get more people to accept Him, then I'll get them to heaven. And I'll be so special to God for that......

And this becomes the reason for what they do. The bumper stickers, the 'rock concerts', those friends who want you to go to a "rock concert"  which turns out to be "that" kind of rock concert, the evangelical right, the creationists.

It's the material millions of pastors use to 'address' the issues of our times. It's what they have used to slam homosexuality, advocate for Intelligent Design. This premise in turn, practically generated a billion dollar industry in books and videos. It allowed the church in one way, to condemn the cultures of it's time while at the same time, becoming more divided between the haves and have nots within the church.

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